Is it time for a free energy efficiency Audit on your home?

Free Energy Audit

As we transition from cooler weather into warmer temps, your heater may finally be getting some reprieve. It will still be some time yet before we need to use our air conditioners on a regular basis, so now is a great time to just relax and forget about these systems, right?

Well… not quite. You should be handling any late-season heating repair needs now while you have the chance, and your air conditioner is just about ready for its spring maintenance appointment—more on that below.

Handling these tasks, and following the efficiency tips we’ve outlined below, will help you not only tackle high energy bills this summer, but will leave you in good shape all year round. Read on to learn more!


Ceiling fans aren’t just for decoration! Most homeowners realize this. But did you know they aren’t just used for summer? True, during the summer, the ceiling fan helps distribute cooled air throughout your home, making the AC more efficient. That’s what most homeowners know about ceiling fans—but they don’t know they can use them in the winter too.

By reversing the direction of the rotation of the fan in the winter (so it spins clockwise), you can help to force heated air trapped at the ceiling and high points of your home back down into the living space where it will do the most good. This means you can turn your thermostat down a couple degrees and effectively save energy, and money.


Today’s homes are sealed up pretty tightly during construction. They’re done so to help boost your HVAC efficiency and prevent conditioned air from escaping your living space. If your home is aging however, or if any damage has been done, it is possible that you’ve developed air leaks. In some cases, it can even be that the insulation you have in place to prevent unwanted heat transfer has degraded, or was never properly installed to begin with.Whatever the case is, by investing in a professional home energy audit, you can effectively take steps to reduce heat transfer. We may recommend things like air sealing, insulation upgrades, or even simple weather stripping applied around drafty windows and doors. Remember, even the most efficient HVAC systems can’t do their job as well as can be expected if you’re losing air.

Simply click the button below and without even leaving this blog page you can provide you name and phone number to schedule a free energy efficiency consultation with no obligation

Free Home Energy Audit

Are you in need of energy saving HVAC services in Southern California?  Call the friendly staff here at HomeTech Builders for exceptional customer service and quality products that have some of the best warranties in California.