
How To Decrease Your Utility Bills, Increase Your Comfort And Ensure Your Safety

A GUIDE TO HOME PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING If you have the opportunity to schedule a home performance assessment for your home, don’t miss out! Home performance contracting describes the process of assessing major home efficiency, air quality, comfort, and safety issues. Learn more about how scheduling service with a qualified contractor can transform your [...]

Tips For Starting Up Your Air Conditioner This Season

Cool Tips For This Season! Soon enough, you’ll be running your central air conditioner just as often as you ran your heating system this winter. In our part of the country, it can get pretty warm, so you may be anxious to get the air conditioner started up right away at the first [...]

When is It Time To Replace My AC

WHEN IS IT TIME TO REPLACE MY AC? There are numerous factors affecting the decision to replace your air conditioning system. You may be impelled by necessity: your old AC may have simply stopped working one day, and no amount of tinkering would make it turn on. Whatever your reason for considering replacement, [...]

Drought Tolerant Turf Vs. Natural Grass

Drought Tolerant Turf Vs. Natural Grass - What are the differences? If you want a lawn at your home, you have two choices – natural grass or artificial turf. Which is best? Well, that depends on practical factors such as initial and ongoing costs and the amount of maintenance required as well as [...]

Window Replacement Helps Homeowners Save A Fortune This Year

Energy Efficiency could save homeowners a fortune this year. Just about every homeowner knows what it’s like to have old windows. They let a draft in during the winter, while leaking cool air in the summer and poor seals & installations can cause wood rot or even mold problems behind the walls. Meanwhile, [...]

Overcome High Energy Bills With These Tips!

Is it time for a free energy efficiency Audit on your home? As we transition from cooler weather into warmer temps, your heater may finally be getting some reprieve. It will still be some time yet before we need to use our air conditioners on a regular basis, so now is a great [...]

Is it time for an energy upgrade on your Heating & Air Conditioning?

Is it time for a free energy efficiency Audit on your home? Here’s the thing about homes today—if yours was built in the last decade or so, it was constructed tightly. What does that mean? Well, it means that everything is tightly sealed to allow no air from going out and no outside [...]

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